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在這裡,我收集了20篇Scrum and Agile 文章,幫助您啟動Scrum項目。列表中的鏈接將帶您訪問文章的每個中文版本,其中包含指向相應英文原文的鏈接:


Scrum的基本功 - 集合中英文版本 (基础篇)

Timeboxing 在Scrum中是什麼含義?

The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity. Scrum uses timeboxing for all of the Scrum events and as a tool for concretely defining open-ended or ambiguous tasks. (時間裝箱的目標是定義和限制專用於活動的時間量。scrum 將時間裝箱用於所有scrum 事件, 並用作具體定義無期限或不明確任務的工具。)

極限編程(XP)vs Scrum

Scrum is a framework for product development, which is a container where you can add other practices. XP is one of those practices that you can do within Scrum framework. This article shows you the similarities and differences between them and there are no reasons why a team need choose between Scrum and XP exclusively. (Scrum是一個產品開發框架,它是一個容器,您可以在其中添加其他實踐。XP是可以在Scrum框架內完成的實踐之一。本文向您展示了它們之間的相似性和差異,並且沒有任何理由說明團隊需在Scrum和XP之間進行選擇。)

精益生產中的8種浪費– 如何定義?

A lean organization understands customer value and focuses its key processes to continuously increase it. The ultimate goal is to provide perfect value to the customer through a perfect value creation process that has zero waste. This article shows you how to identify those wastes (精益組織了解客戶價值, 並專注於其關鍵流程以不斷提高客戶價值。最終目標是通過一個零浪費的完美價值創造過程, 為客戶提供完美的價值。本文向您展示瞭如何識別這些浪費)

最好的免費和商業敏捷工具– 每個Scrum團隊都需要

In this article you will get a list of 10 latest and efficient Agile Project Management tools that would help your team in the entire scrum development process. You need some agile toolset for enhancing the productivity of your team and help ease the pain points even if you have remote employees. (在本文中,您將獲得10個最新,最有效的敏捷項目管理工具列表,這些工具可以幫助您的團隊完成整個Scrum開發過程。您需要一些敏捷的工具集來提高團隊的工作效率, 並幫助緩解難題, 即使您有遠程員工也沒關係。)


What you need to know in a nutshell — the 8 pain points we most often see in Scrum project planning and analysis. This article shows you how to using Scrum and Agile to overcome them. (你需要知道的是--scrum 項目規劃和分析中我們最常看到的8個痛點。本文向您展示瞭如何使用scrum 和敏捷來克服它們。)


using four simple facts (3355) to help us to understand and recap the key concepts of scrum (使用四個簡單的事實(3355)來幫助我們理解和概括Scrum的關鍵概念)

Scrum vs 瀑布vs 敏捷vs 精益vs 看板

There are a number of different approaches in the software development industry – some are new takes on old methods and others have adapted a relatively new approach. The two most commonly used methods in this field are the Agile such as, Scrum, Kanban and Lean and etc., and traditional Waterfall models such as structured methods or newer RUP. ( 软件开发行业有许多不同的方法 - 一些是旧方法的新方法,另一些方法采用了相对较新的方法。该领域中最常用的两种方法是敏捷,如Scrum,Kanban和Lean等,以及传统的瀑布模型,如结构化方法或更新的RUP。大多数遵循这两种模式的软件公司都认为他们选择的方法在方面是优越的,所以在我们回答这个问题之前,“哪一个更成功?我们应该看看它们的主要区别。)


Transparency is vital to the Scrum process, as it allows everyone to see and understand what is really happening in each sprint, achieving a bigger and better communication and trust on the team and in this methodology. This Article shows you how to do it. ( 透明性对于Scrum过程至关重要,因为它允许每个人看到和理解每个Sprint中实际发生的事情,从而在团队和这种方法中实现更大、更好的沟通和信任。这篇文章向您展示了如何做到这一点。)

Scrum: 经验过程控制vs定义过程控制

In empirical process control, you expect the unexpected. With defined process control, every piece of work is understood. In Scrum, an empirical process is implemented where progress is based on observation and experimentation instead of detailed, upfront planning and defined processes. (在经验过程控制中,你期待着意想不到的结果。通过定义的过程控制,可以理解每一件工作。在Scrum中,实现了一个经验过程,其中进度是基于观察和实验,而不是详细的预先规划和定义的过程。)


Three friends refer to the main perspective of testing and inspecting increments in business, during and after development. They review each story in informal start-up meetings to provide a shared vision of what will be delivered and help ensure that it is the voice of the team, not a single opinion. (三个朋友指的是在业务、开发期间和开发之后测试检查工作增量的主要视角,例如,业务分析师、开发人员、测试人员在非正式的启动会议中回顾每个故事,以对将要交付的内容给出一个共同的共享愿景,并帮助确保它是团队的声音,而不是单一的意见。)


Agile is the software development methodology that focuses on customer satisfaction by delivery shippable software frequently. Scrum is one of the many approaches to implement Agile. Scrum is suitable for certain type of projects where there are rapidly changing requirements. (敏捷是一种软件开发方法,它通过频繁交付可交付的软件来关注客户满意度。Scrum是实现敏捷的众多方法之一。Scrum适用于需求变化迅速的特定类型的项目。)


Velocity in Scrum is a measure of the amount of work a Team can tackle during a single Sprint and is the key metric in Scrum. Velocity is calculated at the end of the Sprint by totaling the Points for all fully completed User Stories. (速度是一个团队在一次冲刺中可以完成的工作量的度量,也是Scrum中的关键度量标准。在冲刺结束时,通过对所有完全完成的用户故事的点进行合计来计算速度。)


Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. Whilst it is lightweight and simple to understand it is difficult to implement and hard to master. This article tell you why?(Scrum是一个框架,人们可以在其中解决复杂的适应性问题,同时富有成效和创造性地交付具有最高价值的产品。虽然它是轻量级的,易于理解,但很难实现,也很难掌握。这篇文章告诉你为什么?)

传统项目管理 vs 敏捷项目管理

Traditional project management emphasizes on conducting detailed upfront planning for the project with emphasis on fixing the scope, cost and schedule - and managing those parameters. Whereas, Scrum encourages data-based, iterative decision making in which the primary focus is on delivering products that satisfy customer requirements. (传统的项目管理强调对项目进行详细的前期规划,强调确定范围、成本和进度,并管理这些参数。然而,Scrum鼓励基于数据的、迭代的决策,其中主要关注的是交付满足客户需求的产品。)


Scrum has not been immune to controversy, and its history of invention is a topic of frequent debate. Some professionals believe that Jeff Sutherland, John Scumniotales, and Jeff McKenna invented Scrum in 1993. And then there are others who vouch for Hirotaka Takeuchi and Ikujiro Nonaka as inventing Scrum in 1986. (Scrum并没有不受争议,它的发明历史是一个经常争论的话题。一些专业人士认为Jeff Sutherland、John Scumniotales和Jeff McKenna于1993年发明了Scrum。还有其他一些人也许相信, 在1986年Hirotaka Takeuchi和Ikujiro Nonaka发明了Scrum。)


Less known than the process of Scrum and probably under-highlighted, but therefore not less important, are the 5 core Scrum Values upon which the framework is based: Commitment – Focus – Openness – Respect – Courage. These values relate to the ethics of Scrum, thereby -from a social point of view- turning Scrum into a value system. (与scrum的过程相比,人们对scrum知之甚少,而且可能低估了这一点,但同样重要的是,该框架所基于的5个核心scrum价值观:承诺——关注——开放——尊重——勇气。这些价值观与Scrum的伦理有关,因此从社会的角度来看,将Scrum转变为一个价值体系。)


When talking about Agile, we often talk about ''Agile'' and ''Scrum,'' but, how exactly are related, and how are they different? We take a look of this issue in this Article. (在谈到敏捷时, 我们经常谈论 "敏捷" 和 "scrum", 但是, 它们到底有什么关系, 它们有什么不同?我们在本文中介绍了这一问题。)


This article covers all the key concept of Scrum framework that make you easily be recalled and apply anytime from your mind as systematic knowledge structure (本文涵盖了 scrum 框架的所有关键概念, 使您可以轻松地被召回, 并从您的头脑中随时作为系统的知识结构应用)


什么是Scrum的三大支柱? SCRUM使用经验方法(或有时称为经验主义)以适应客户不断变化的需求。经验主义是根据实际经历的内容做出决策的行为。经验方法意味着以事实为基础,以经验为基础,以证据为基础的方式开展工作,特别是,进展是基于对现实的观察,而不是基于大量前期要求的虚构计划。


This article gives you a general overview of Scrum Framework in a nutshell, which covers all the key concept of scrum and Agile development including scrum roles, artifacts, ceremonies, values and rules. (本文简单介绍了 scrum 框架的一般概述, 其中涵盖了 scrum 和敏捷开发的所有关键概念, 包括 scrum 角色、工件、事件、核心价值和规则。)

Scrum的基本功 - 集合中英文版本 (角色和责任篇)

在这里,我再次收集了10多篇与Scrum and Agile的角色和职责相关文章,帮助您启动Scrum项目。列表中的链接将带您访问文章的每个中文版本,其中包含指向相应英文原文的链接:

作为Scrum Master,您如何帮助您的产品产品拥有者?

The common goal of Scrum master and products is to create viable products through the use of Scrum best practices. The two roles overlap in some of their skill combinations. Therefore, product owners and Scrum Master should make every effort to work closely in many different areas of the project. (Scrum master和产品的所共同目标是通过使用Scrum最佳实践创建可行的产品。者两个角色在他们有一些技能组合中重叠。因此,产品负责人和Scrum Master应尽一切努力在项目的许多不同领域密切合作。)

敏捷开发: 什么是跨职能团队?

The advantages of cross-functional teams in Agile Development lie in improving cross-functional coordination, increasing product and process innovation, and shortening the development cycle of critical customer contact point feedback. (跨职能团队在敏捷开发中的优势在于改进跨职能协调,增加产品和流程创新,缩短关键客户联系点反馈的开发周期。)

什么是Scrum Master?角色和责任

Scrum master is the driver of agile development teams. Scrum is a method that allows teams to organize themselves and change quickly based on agile principles. Scrum master manages the process of information exchange. (Scrum master是敏捷开发团队的推动者。Scrum是一种方法,允许团队根据敏捷原则自我组织并快速进行更改。Scrum master管理信息交换的过程。)

Scrum: 三个角色?

The roles in Scrum are clearly defined roles and expectations help individuals accomplish their tasks effectively. In Scrum, there are three roles: product owner, development team and Scrum Master. These are called Scrum teams. (Scrum中的角色是明确定义的角色,期望可以帮助个人有效地完成任务。在Scrum中,有三个角色:产品所有者、开发团队和Scrum管理员。这些被称为Scrum团队。)

项目经理 vs Scrum Master vs 项目负责人

For new contacts with Agile, project managers and scrum protagonists may look similar or even the same. But it is important to recognize the differences between the two, the possible overlap of certain tasks, and how they complement each other in large projects. ( 对于刚接触Agile的人来说,项目经理和scrum主角可能看起来相似甚至相同。但重要的是要认识到两者之间的差异,认识到某些任务可能重叠的地方,并认识到它们在大型项目中如何相互补充。)

Scrum: 什么是猪和鸡的角色?

Roles are key in Agile: The business fable of The Chicken and the Pig explains breakfast: pigs and chickens in the Scrum process. It’s a way to differentiate between roles in the Scrum/Agile world. (角色是敏捷的关键:鸡和猪的商业寓言解释了早餐:在Scrum过程中的猪和鸡。这是一种区分Scrum/Agile世界中角色的方法。)

敏捷开发:如何成为合格的Scrum Master?

Scrum Master is considered to be a project manager in many projects, which is actually a misunderstanding. At the same time, I often see people who argue that Scrum Master is completely different from project managers. So what is Scrum Master’s responsibility? What can we do to become a qualified Scrum Master? ( Scrum Master被认为是许多项目开发中的项目经理,这实际上是一种误解。与此同时,我经常看到那些主张Scrum Master和项目经理完全区别的人。那么Scrum Master的责任是什么?我们可以做些什么来成为一名合格的Scrum Master?)


Without a good product owner, the Scrum project will not succeed. It must be decisive, not only by referring to the required responsibilities, but also by embedding the following thinking patterns: 1) To continuously protect the best interests of customers in terms of functions provided. 2) Protect the organization as a whole in terms of strategic direction and return on investment. (如果没有一个好的产品所有者,Scrum项目就不会成功,他必须具有决定性,不仅要求提到所要求的责任,而且还要嵌入以下思维模式:1) 在提供的功能方面不断保护客户的最佳利益,2) 在战略方向和投资回报率方面保护整个组织。)


Role and Responsibilities - The product owner who represents the company’s ownership of the product is a member of the Scrum team. However, the product owner has no authority over other members of the team, as is the case with Scrum Master. The product owner is responsible for the long-term care of the product and the success of the product. (代表公司拥有产品的产品负责人是Scrum团队的一员。但是,产品所有者对团队中的其他成员没有权限,与Scrum Master相同。产品负责人负责长期照顾产品,并负责实现产品成功。)

Scrum团队如何运作? – 简要指南

Scrum in a Nutshell: Scrum relies on which are periods of time when software development is actually done. A Sprint usually lasts from one week to one month to complete an item from the backlog. The goal of each Sprint is to create a potential shippable product. (Scrum依赖于软件开发实际完成的时间段。冲刺通常持续一周到一个月,以完成积压的项目。每个冲刺的目标都是创建一个潜在的可交付产品。)


A product owner is the guardian of the product vision and goals, because it focuses on delivering business results and values for Scrum projects. So the question is how to be the best product owner? Based on our experience, we believe that the product owner should possess some key qualities. (产品所有者是产品远景和目标的守护者,因为它专注于为Scrum项目提供业务结果和价值。所以问题是如何成为最好的产品拥有者?根据我们的经验,我们认为产品所有者应该具备一些关键的品质。)


A self-organizing team is a team that has the autonomy to choose how best to do its work, rather than being guided by others outside the team. ( 自組織團隊是一個團隊,擁有自主選擇如何最好地完成工作,而不是由團隊外的其他人指導。)


The Scrum team shares different tasks and responsibilities related to product delivery. Every role is closely related. It is recommended that Scrum team members work together in the same place as possible. Let’s look at these roles from the perspective of responsibility, authority and characteristics. (Scrum團隊分享與產品交付相關的不同任務和職責。每個角色都密切相關。建議Scrum團隊成員盡可能在同一位置一起工作。讓我們從責任,權限和特徵的角度來看看這些角色。)


書名: Agile Estimating and Planning
年份: 2005
作者: Mike Cohn

書名: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
年份: 2008
作者: Robert C. Martin

書名: Working Effectively with Legacy Code
年份: 2004
作者:Michael Feathers

書名: Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code
年份: 1999
作者:Martin Fowler

書名: The Art of Unit Testing: With Examples in .Net
年份: 2009
作者:Roy Osherove

書名: Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
年份: 2002
作者: Robert C. Martin
中譯本: 《敏捷軟件開發:原則、模式與實踐》

書名:The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master
作者:Andrew Hunt, David Thomas

書名: Kanban: Successful Evolutionary Change for Your Technology Busines
年份: 2010
作者:David J. Anderson

書名: Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum
年份: 2009
作者: Mike Cohn
中譯本: 《Scrum敏捷軟件開發》由Scrum中文網翻譯

書名:Growing Object-Oriented Software, Guided by Tests
作者:Steve Freeman, Nat Pryce



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